Das Hardedge Forum wurde am Abend des 30.01.2023 eingestellt und in ein Archiv umgewandelt. Bitte nicht versuchen sich zu registrieren oder einzuloggen.
The biggest tournament in the UK, hosted by Neo Empire. Information can be found on this site. [url] [url]http://www.supervsbattle.com/svb20x/ [/ url] [/ url] I am a member of the forum [url] [url]www.neoempire.com [/ url] [/ url] they are the ones who organize the event. Incase you guys did not know just giving you notice, we would like international players to come and attend. Here is the official line up: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (PS2) Soul Calibur 4 (PS3) BlazBlue (PS3) Tekken 6 (PS3) King…
Combolences Im from the UK and looking for european Marvel players. Add me on psn: cocobread High tier or low tier I don't mind. Look foward to playing you all.